Thursday, December 13, 2007

God who? I Can't Stop Looking at Me!

This past Saturday was the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Where we celebrate Mary's conception. At mass a very well though out reflection was given. It was said "Sin is dangerous because it turns us away from God.... By changing the way we look at our selves." Yes this is true. We feel dirty to some degree. But this is not the point I'm going after.

Sin does change the way we look, But it changes where we look too! Instead of focusing on God, we are focused in on our selves. Putting our desires before the will of the Lord. But sin has a longer effect on us other than just the sin.

Once we have admitted we have sinned, we are still looking at ourselves. Because of the shame that sin brings along with it, we spend some time going about how bad we feel for sinning. All along still not completely turning our eyes toward God. Look at Adam, he was hiding because he had sinned. Adam was looking at himself seeing his nakedness, not looking at God.

With Christmass just around the corner, let's remember how the Blessed Virgin Mary kept her eyes on God. So let us too keep our eyes on God, and always be ready to say yes to the will of the Lord.

Talk at ya Later

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